This Week
Local 20/20 Steering Council Meeting – Wed, Mar 19th
The monthly Local 20/20 Steering Council meeting is open to all, and welcomes those interested in active involvement in Local 20/20 leadership. Newcomers are always welcome. If you’d like a virtual orientation, or for meeting location/online link, please contact us by email.
Time: 3 – 5pm | Location: Email for location/link
Coexisting with Backyard Wildlife – Wed, Mar 19th
We’re lucky to live in an area rich with wildlife. It’s essential to understand how to coexist with these animals to support a healthy ecosystem. Sara Penhallegon of Central Valley Animal Rescue will talk about our local backyard residents and discover how to keep them safe and healthy while also protecting your property. Register here for this online event.
Friends of Fort Flagler is a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring, preserving, and protecting the natural and historic resources of Fort Flagler State Park. Please support our state park by becoming a member, volunteering, or donating to our organization.
Time: 5 – 6:30pm | Location: online
Emergency Preparedness Talk: Neighborhood Preparedness – Thu, Mar 20th
Who will you rely on in the midst of a widespread disaster that overwhelms our local resources? Jefferson County’s Neighbors Helping Neighbors and Volunteer Communication (VECOM) programs provide a simple roadmap to help you efficiently and effectively respond to disaster situations with your neighbors. Neighborhoods that are prepared can save lives, reduce the severity of injuries and trauma, reduce property damage, and can also provide the means to communicate when our usual systems are not available. In addition, contributing as an individual and working together as a team we develop stronger communities and improve our quality of life. For questions contact NPREP.
Time: 10:30am | Location: Jefferson County Library, 620 Cedar Avenue, Port Hadlock
Brinnon Repair Event – Sat, Mar 22nd
Join JeffCo Repair for this free community gathering in which people with repair skills share their time and talents to fix their neighbors’ belongings. Bring your toaster that no longer toasts, sweater with a hole in the elbow, and excitement to get these belongings repaired while also learning how they did it and ways you could do it yourself next time!
At this Brinnon Repair Event, they will have volunteers donating their time to help repair: small appliances/electronics; textiles/clothes; bicycles; and other household items
Learn more about this and other upcoming Repair Events at
Time: 11am – 2pm | Location: Brinnon Community Center, 306144 US-101
Free Screening: Water is Love: Ripples of Regeneration – Sat, Mar 22nd *New*
The Port Townsend library and Jill Allison are excited to announce a special community screening of the award-winning documentary, “Water Is Love: Ripples of Regeneration”. The screening is free of charge and open to the public. The film highlights the challenges faced by various communities worldwide in ensuring sustainable water management and showcases inspiring stories of resilience and regeneration. After the film, Jim Stanger from the Northwest Olympic Salmon Coalition will present information about projects supporting local water restoration. If time allows, there will be a question and answer session after his presentation.
Time: 10:30am | Location: PT Library Pink House, 220 Lawrence St., Port Townsend
Class: Introduction to Mindfulness Practice – Sat, Mar 22nd
This 2 hour classes will introduce you to the benefits of, and the techniques for developing a mindfulness practice of your own, to help support your emotional stability and increased compassion for yourself and everyone in your orbit, something we can all benefit from in this tumultuous time! Register here. Cost is $30. For more information, call 360-316-6544.
Time: 10am – 12pm | Location: Fillmore Street Studio, 627 Fillmore Street, Port Townsend
Photo: Fort Flagler in Autumn by Wendy Feltham
For the full set of announcements, including Upcoming Events, Recurring Events, Community Notices, Community Resources, and Resilience Readings, see here.