Resilience Review Column – Spread the Word: Get Everyone Insured!

Here is Local 20/20’s November column in the Port Townsend Leader (go to page 9 of the Good Works section), titled “Resilience Review”. (Thank you, PT Leader!) It is copied below, as submitted.

Spread the Word: Get Everyone Insured!

By Mark Secord

Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) coverage in 2014, the share of our neighbors who … Read the rest

Resilience Review Column – Happiness is a Community Resilience Conference

Here is Local 20/20’s October column in the Port Townsend Leader titled “Resilience Review”. (Thank you, PT Leader!) It is copied below, as submitted.

There is unease across America; many of us sense trouble on the horizon. Record-high inequality of wealth, political processes dominated by globalized capitalism, and national leaders who seem unresponsive to the needs of the majority. Biologists … Read the rest

Resilience Review Column – Public Buses: An Unfulfilled Potential

Here is Local 20/20’s September column in the Port Townsend Leader titled “Resilience Review”. (Thank you, PT Leader!) It is copied below, as submitted.

Public Buses: Unfulfilled Potential

By Joe Calodich

In Renaissance Italy, a sculptor named Benvenuto Cellini promised to cast a metal statue for the city of Florence. This ambitious statue had many sharp angles making it hard … Read the rest

Local 20/20’s Comments on Withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord

The Peninsula Daily News kindly asked Local 20/20 what our comments were regarding the President’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, and the published a nice article on local responses on Sunday here. Below is our full response.

Local 20/20, a Jefferson County-based organization focused on local sustainability and resiliency is appalled by Donald Trump’s action to … Read the rest

May 1 – May Day Bike Festival

Gather at the Cotton Building to support bicycling and walking!
Kick-off the start of Bike Month with League of American Bicyclists (LAB) national board member & representative, Steve Durrant
Celebrate Port Townsend’s Silver Award as a Bicycle-Friendly City!


Schedule of May 1st Bike Festival Activities

1:00 – 2:30 pm Town Ride to tour some of our bicycling and walking facilities,

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April 22: Celebrate Science and Earth Day (and Bigfoot?!) in Jefferson County

Come join us as we Celebrate Science and Earth Day (and Bigfoot?!) in Jefferson County! We will check in with the many of the Taming Bigfoot Carbon Footprint Reduction participants to see how their footprints are one year later, and will provide general updates for all on the state of climate science as it applies to Jefferson County. We will Read the rest