Tips for a Planet-friendly Holiday Season

The December 4th Local 20/20 column in the Port Townsend Leader by Laura Tucker explored the myriad ways one can be more environmentally conscious in our holiday gift giving.

Tips for a Planet-friendly Holiday Season

By Laura Tucker

Reducing your carbon footprint is an essential step in combating climate change. The winter holidays can make it challenging. Here are some … Read the rest

Repair, Restore, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Rethink, Repurpose

In the March Local 20/20 column in the Port Townsend Leader, Tracy Grisman shares information about all of the R’s – Repair, restore, reuse, reduce, recycle, rethink, repurpose. The resources mentioned in the article can be found at the bottom.


By Tracy Grisman

I’ve been trying to stay positive about life these days. As things seem to be falling … Read the rest

Port Townsend StyroCyclers – Now A Local 20/20 Beyond Waste Project

In the March 2023 Local 20/20 Column in the Port Townsend Leader, Polly Lyle describes the PT Styrocycler’s process and results, and that they recently merged with Local 20/20.

By Polly Lyle

It’s early morning at Fort Worden Battery Putnam when Port Townsend StyroCyclers volunteers carry 500-700 pounds of expanded polystyrene foam (EPS, hereafter “styrofoam”) from East Jefferson County to … Read the rest

Port Townsend StyroCyclers have Merged with Local 20/20!

Local 20/20 is excited to announcement that the Port Townsend StyroCyclers, which has been recycling Styrofoam in Jefferson County since 2021 is now part of Local 20/20, a project in our Beyond Waste action group! The Port Townsend StyroCyclers, which have recycled over 5 tons of styrofoam since October 2021, were looking for a more sustainable structure. Local 20/20 … Read the rest

What is the Carbon Footprint of Recycling – 4/6 Climate on Tap

How green are we when we recycle? Why is Jefferson County different than most in Washington? Changes are afoot! Bring ideas, answers, and suggestions as we ponder this issue and look at all those R’s: rethink, refuse, repair, reuse, refill, repurpose, rot (compost!) and finally recycle. Ideas will be posted on the Local 20/20 website! 

FinnRiver Cidery is providing us … Read the rest

Recycling, Upcycling and Sharing for a Local Holiday Season

Here is Local 20/20’s latest column in the Port Townsend Leader 11/17/21 edition about ideas on greening your holiday giving. Thank you PT Leader!

Recycling, Upcycling and Sharing for a Local Holiday Season

By Suzanne Jones and Tracy Bigelow Grisman

Looking forward to the Holidays? Many folks will say “Always!” It is easy, though, to feel overwhelmed during this time … Read the rest