Are Gas/Diesel Vehicles Worse for the Environment than EVs?

In the March 12 Local 20/20 column in the Port Townsend Leader, Cyndy Bratz discusses the environmental impact of gas/diesel vehicles as compared to EVs, and references an NPR article that covers that topic.

Are Gas/Diesel Vehicles Worse for the Environment than EVs?

By Cynthia Bratz

Are gas vehicles worse for the environment than electric vehicles? That is a question … Read the rest

Tips for a Planet-friendly Holiday Season

The December 4th Local 20/20 column in the Port Townsend Leader by Laura Tucker explored the myriad ways one can be more environmentally conscious in our holiday gift giving.

Tips for a Planet-friendly Holiday Season

By Laura Tucker

Reducing your carbon footprint is an essential step in combating climate change. The winter holidays can make it challenging. Here are some … Read the rest

New Energy and Resiliency Funding Opportunities for Jefferson County Businesses


The June Local 20/20 Port Townsend Leader column highlighted two current opportunities for local businesses to obtain funding and/or low interest loans for renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements, as well as increasing climate resiliency of buildings. See the full article below.

New Energy and Resiliency Funding Opportunities for Jefferson County Businesses

By Cindy Jayne

Have you been wanting … Read the rest