Climate Solutions Film Series – Grassroots Movements for Earth Repair in Africa and India  – Sun, Apr 7th

The third showing in the series features a number of short movies from Africa and India about restoration movements that involve millions of people and have successful outcomes. The films show how we can regreen the land, restore the hydrological cycle and feed the people.  African short films are: Tony Rinaudo and Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration in Niger and the Read the rest

Repair, Restore, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Rethink, Repurpose

In the March Local 20/20 column in the Port Townsend Leader, Tracy Grisman shares information about all of the R’s – Repair, restore, reuse, reduce, recycle, rethink, repurpose. The resources mentioned in the article can be found at the bottom.


By Tracy Grisman

I’ve been trying to stay positive about life these days. As things seem to be falling … Read the rest

Alaska Suite Multimedia Climate Concerts – Dec 1st and 2nd

Seattle-based, award-winning composer Nelda Swiggett brings her five-piece chamber jazz ensemble to Port Townsend, Sequim and Port Angeles on Dec. 1-2 for a tour of her original work, “The Alaska Suite: a story of beauty, loss and hope.” This concert is a musical reverie on the tenuous beauty of the Arctic. But it is not just a concert. The performance … Read the rest