Carsharing in Jefferson County using District EVs – A Local Energy Opportunity

Thursday, February 16th, 2017 from 12 PM  – 2 PM

Port Townsend Yacht Club in the Boat Haven

LEO Presenter and Public Discussion Facilitator: Perry Spring, Energy Systems and Efficiency Professional

Opportunities for developing profitable, unsubsidized new energy systems and businesses in Jefferson County have been under consideration for more than a year both by the members of the Jefferson … Read the rest

Energy Lunch: “Assessing Local Energy Values: The Bainbridge Public Power Campaign”

Key Speakers this month: Jane Lindley & Steve Johnson from Bainbridge Island’s Island Power

Location: The Port Townsend Yacht Club, 2503 Washington Street in the Boat Haven

Date: Thursday, January 19th

Schedule: 12:00 pm Brown Bag Lunch

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Key Speaker Presentation including Q&A

1:30-2 pm continuation of the general discussion

Energy Lunch Key Speakers this … Read the rest

Benefits of Public Power from Local Transportation Electrification

JJ McCoy,Senior Policy Associate, NW Energy Coalition, Seattle WA

Thursday December 15th at 12:30 PM, Port Townsend Yacht Club

Our focus this month will be on the benefits derived by our public power utility from using all (100%) of this locally collected solar energy to replace fossil fuels that are used in cars, trucks buses and boats in new electric … Read the rest

November 17th, 2016, Continued Solarization of Jefferson County: How WA-made Itek Can Help”

Jesse Wear, Regional Sales Manager, Itek Energy, Bellingham, WA


Thursday, November 17th at 12:30 PM, Port Townsend Yacht Club, 2503 Washington Ave, Port Townsend



This month’s Energy Lunch programming takes a closer look at developing the sun (or solar) part of the SW2 Energy in Jefferson County. More specifically we will continue our discussion from last month … Read the rest

October 20th, 2016: Bonneville Environmental Foundation “Developing Community-Based Renewable Energy in Jefferson County”

Thursday October 20th at 12:30, Port Townsend Yacht Club, 2503 Washington Ave, Port Townsend.

Dick Wanderscheid, Vice President, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Portland Oregon

In recent months the Jefferson County Energy Lunch Program has moved from outside direction and large amounts of volunteer support to a primary energy program of a new local for-profit energy development organization, the Jefferson County Energy … Read the rest

September 15, 2016: Road Map to 100% Renewable Energy in Jefferson County

Thursday, Sept 15th at 12:30 PM,  Port Townsend Yacht Club, 2503 Washington Ave, Port Townsend WA

Energy Technology [ET] or tools for working with energy is frequently the focus of Energy Lunch programming: ET for electric power, ET for green fuels, ET for energy storage, and more. ET will be addressed again in September but, this time with an additional … Read the rest

August 18th, 2016: Public Power Operations in Jefferson County: A Special Forum

Thursday, August 18th at 12:30 PM
Port Townsend Yacht Club, 2503 Washington Street, Port Townsend

Rather than outside energy experts this month’s Energy Lunch program will feature two key speakers on public power each of who is currently a candidate for Commissioner of the Jefferson County Public Utility District (PUD).  Each has been among the group of local energy enthusiasts … Read the rest

November 19, 2015: Eric Moe – District Heating: Developing Thermal Energy Systems in Jefferson County

District Heating: Developing Thermal Energy Systems in Jefferson County

Speaker: Eric Moe, Senior Developer, University Mechanical Contractors, Inc.

Thursday, November 19 at 12:30P
Port Townsend Yacht Club, 2503 Washington Street, Port Townsend

Approximately 70% of all the energy used in Jefferson County is for thermal applications such as space heating, domestic hot water, process heating, cooking, and drying. November’s Key … Read the rest

October 22, 2015: Dave Sjoding – Local Energy Plans: Electricity, Heat, Transport, Food & Water

Local Energy Plans: Electricity, Heat, Transport, Food & Water
Speaker: Dave Sjoding, CHP/Renewable Energy Specialist, WSU Energy Program

Thursday, October 22 at 12:30P
Port Townsend Yacht Club, 2503 Washington Street, Port Townsend

The Key Speaker for October is Dave Sjoding, CHP/Renewable Energy Specialist, WSU Energy Program. Mr. Sjoding has led research into a broad range of energy issues/sources including biomass, … Read the rest

September 17: Kevin Mass – Local Energy Project Development & Financing

Understanding Local Energy Project Development & Financing
Speaker: Kevin Maas, Owner, Glacier Energy, Inc.

Kevin Maas
Thursday, September 17th at 12:30P
Port Townsend Yacht Club, 2503 Washington Street, Port Townsend

To watch a video recording of this Energy Lunch presentation, please click on the link below:

The Key Speaker for September is Kevin Maas, owner of Glacier Energy, Inc., an energy … Read the rest