A Helpful Approach to Communication in These Difficult Times

Here is Local 20/20’s regular Resilience Review column in the Port Townsend Leader, published 7/15/20. Thank you PT Leader!

A Helpful Approach to Communication in These Difficult Times

By Suzanne Jones

        “It is impossible to overemphasize the immense need humans have to be really listened to, to be taken seriously, to be understood.” Dr. Paul Tournier, the eminent Swiss … Read the rest

L2020 Social Justice Statement Follow Up by Social Justice L2020 Work Group

Since Local 20/20 posted our social justice statement, what emerged was interest amongst several Local 20/20 council members to form “Social Justice L2020 Work Group” within the Resiliency of the Heart Action Group. The group’s intent is a good faith effort to do the work that is required in standing by our statement. 

Understanding that there will be … Read the rest

A Novel Approach to Climate Action at the State Level

Here is Local 20/20’s regular Resilience Review column in the Port Townsend Leader, published 6/3/20. Thank you PT Leader!

A Novel Approach to Climate Action at the State Level

By Cindy Jayne

An effort is afoot to bring an ancient Athenian democratic process to Washington State – a Citizen’s Assembly, where a representative group of randomly chosen Washington State … Read the rest