Climate on Tap – Dec 7 – Jeff Co GHG Inventory

This month’s topic is Update: Jefferson County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 

How are we doing on reducing our carbon footprint in Jefferson County? Our first assessment was in 2005 and initiated our City/County climate action plan to reduce our carbon footprint by 80% by 2050. The inventory was updated in 2019. What is our largest carbon emitter? Home heating? Personal transportation? … Read the rest

It Took a Townsend: A Fond Memory from 2020

Here is Local 20/20’s regular Resilience Review column in the Port Townsend Leader, published 11/25/20. Thank you PT Leader!

The Repairocene (a noun):  A time when common goals of healing, repairing, and restoring of our lands, our things, and our relationships are shared.

                                  It took a Townsend:  A Fond Memory from 2020

By Tracy Grisman

     It’s hard to believe … Read the rest

Climate on Tap – Nov 2nd – Taming Bigfoot is Back!

This month’s topic is Taming Bigfoot is back! 

The hugely popular and engaging “Taming Bigfoot” community carbon footprint reduction competition is coming back! Perhaps you participated last time (5 years ago!) … perhaps you heard about it and wanted to participate next time … perhaps you are new to this and want to learn more. Our guest speaker will be … Read the rest

The Community Impact of LION

The Local Investing Opportunities Network (LION) is a network of local citizens whose mission is to build a prosperous and resilient community by investing their money locally in East Jefferson County.  Founded in 2006, LION now has 68 members.  Local businesses and non-profit organizations submit Business Opportunity applications through EDC Team Jefferson to solicit interest and financial support from LION … Read the rest

Local 20/20 Was Founded in the Transition Movement

Here is Local 20/20’s regular Resilience Review column in the Port Townsend Leader, published 9/23/20. Thank you PT Leader!

Local 20/20 was Founded in the Transition Movement

By Sonja Hammar

What is Transition? Transition is a movement; it is about communities focused on connection and exploring opportunities for “reclaiming the economy, sparking entrepreneurship, reimagining work, reskilling themselves and weaving webs … Read the rest

A Helpful Approach to Communication in These Difficult Times

Here is Local 20/20’s regular Resilience Review column in the Port Townsend Leader, published 7/15/20. Thank you PT Leader!

A Helpful Approach to Communication in These Difficult Times

By Suzanne Jones

        “It is impossible to overemphasize the immense need humans have to be really listened to, to be taken seriously, to be understood.” Dr. Paul Tournier, the eminent Swiss … Read the rest