The Local Investing Opportunities Network (LION) is a network of local citizens whose mission is to build a prosperous and resilient community by investing their money locally in East Jefferson County. Founded in 2006, LION now has 68 members. Local businesses and non-profit organizations submit Business Opportunity applications through EDC Team Jefferson to solicit interest and financial support from LION members. Each LION member makes their own decisions as to whether, where and how to invest.
Cumulatively, as of 2019, LION members have made:
- at least 276 local investments
- in at least 80 local businesses and non-profits
- for a total of at least $9.4 million invested.
These numbers are based upon voluntary responses to LION member surveys. Actual totals are larger than above because not all LION members responded to the surveys. 94% of the investments have been loans with an average term of 5.3 years and average interest of 5.2%. The median invested per business or non-profit is $28,575, although the range is from $1,000 to $2.2M.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
LION’s mission is to help build prosperous local businesses, keep investing local money in our community, and foster a more resilient and sustainable economy in East Jefferson County. To be resilient and sustainable, that economy needs to work for everyone in the community. We are a network that has been and is today made up of members who are primarily white, older, and middle or upper-class. We share values of diversity, equity and inclusion, and we recognize LION’s value will be strengthened with broader reach into all segments of our community.
Members of LION acknowledge the presence of systemic, cultural, and personal racism, and that many existing systems of power continue to distribute privilege and access inequitably. We recognize that access to money is power, and that traditional financial systems contribute to systemic racism and inequity. We also acknowledge that in East Jefferson County we live on land usurped from indigenous peoples.
This acknowledgement is the first of several outreach activities to come. For instance, publicizing in local media and other outlets; liaising with community and economic development organizations; and outreach to organizations and people of systemically disadvantaged communities.
LION desires to welcome new members to its investor network. Please visit the LION website http://L2020.org/LION for information on LION membership and for information on submitting Business Opportunity applications.