Leader Column – COVID, Climate and Local Food Resilience

Here is Local 20/20’s regular Resilience Review column in the Port Townsend Leader, published 5/13/20. Thank you PT Leader!

COVID, Climate and Local Food Resilience

By David Seabrook

The emergence of the COVID-19 virus has in some news reports been termed a “Black Swan” event, something entirely unforeseen that takes the world by surprise. However, scientists have for years … Read the rest


BEarth Soundscape Mix for Earth Week

In honor of this year’s 50th Earth Day, the BEARTH Soundscape art piece was collaboratively created.  A collection of inspiring audio recorded messages and sounds for the Earth and all beings was used to create the soundscape. The intention of this work is to celebrate the Earth and convey our compassion by weaving sounds and words (poems, wishes, praise, expressions) Read the rest
